Our dear friends and partners in Manna ministry.Let me thank you for your participation in the ministry, and for your support of our mission Manna.We thank God for you and for your open heart. Let me share with you a short reportage of serving the mission of Manna in April.
April 2012 was very good a month. First, we celebrated the Passover of Christ.In a special Easter service in the mission Mann has gathered more than 120 people. All of Easter food packages received an invitation to church.
During April, the mission visited about 1000 people living in Kohtla-Jarve. It was extended in 1000 food packages and free hairdresser in Manna visited 26 chelovek.Mission donated clothes and shoes for many people.
**In April, the mission Manna send help to Tartu, food, clothes for the development of the service. Every sunday, in Tartu mission Manna feeds 35 poor people.They receive clothe, soup. Every time our brothers preach them about Jesus!
**In April, the mission of Manna visited by guests from Tulsa, OK They had wonderful service and blessed the mission of a sound system for meetings.The guests also visited the ministry of rehabilitation centers in Narva and Azeri, with which the mission of Manna have partnership. Water spot, even stuck on the road)
**In April, the mission visited our friends from Finland, the ministry Yussii Latvala. They brought food and clothing.
**Mission Manna visited by guests from Norway, together with Lars Fladseth. They gave the mission of humanitarian aid, clothing.Thanks to Ingebrigt Hoset pastor from Norway Surnadal for supporting
**Manna Mission housed guests from Finland, humanitarian help was organise by pastor Maarit, Nokia Missio Chuch in Tampere. They handed over to Manna food!
**And in the end of April, mission Manna receive humanitarian help from our friends from Norway, Ivar Dala, Kare Olan Nielsen, Harold and pastor John Age.
Mission Manna want thanks to mission Europa, Oslo Norway, for supporting and helping!
Our plans for the future, begin to pray and serve the mission Manna in Tallinn, and the beginning of service in Kohtla Järve for poor children.
We thank all of you, our dear friends, for your support, prayers and good wishes.
Our motto: Together we can do for the kingdom of God more!
We ask you to pray for the husband of our servant in Manna, Oksana. He needs healing.Before, they was together start this misinstry.
We have already great testimony about him. One week ago, he was so close to death, the doctor said he can not do anything.We prayed for him anointed by oil. Today Volodya is much better! He speak, and eat. And doctor was so surprised when I saw him. Glory to God!
If you need more information about Manna ministry, or if you have questions write my by e-mail. God bless you!
With respect
pastor Oleg Pronin
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