- After meeting in mission
- Food pocket
- Meeting in Manna
- Our friends!
- Children room!
- mission Manna Team!
- Meeting
- New testament for mission Manna
- Meeting
Dear friends, i want thanks you for you support mission Manna, by prayer and money, and humanitarian help! This season in mission Manna from september 2012 to mai 2013 was very frutful!
Over the past 9 months, we have distributed more than 4,000 food packages, more than 5,000 tons of clothing, a lot of spiritual literature, new testaments, etc.In all that time, the mission Mann visited about 4,000 people,They hear preaching about Jesus, committed prayer.
To rehabilitate left about 36 people, 9 people began to regularly attend our church.Mission Manna in Tartu also handed out 1,100 meals,several tons of clothing.Our main goal is to rescue people preaching to them about Jesus Christ and humanitarian aid is very important in this! In the summer we will make the repairs in the mission Mann, and prepare for the new season!
Dear friends, thank you very much for your support! We could only do this together with you! We look forward to further cooperation with you!
As a pastor, I believe, Thу ministry for poor people is the heart of Jesus! Lately, I travel a lot and preach in different churches. In June, I’ll go to Karelia (Russia) in July in Latvia and Russia. I’m taking back the same evidence of your love and service!
We are always glad to you, come and visit us!
With respect and love, pastor Oleg and the team mission Manna
We are in facebook :
Our prayer needs for mission Manna:
1.Renovate the second floor of her mission, to a large hall with 300 seats
2.Purchase the building for her mission Mann
3.Buy a car for 7 persons to serve in mission, and for visit rehabilitation centers, where we send people for encourage them.
Please, join with us in this prayer!
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